Tuesday, October 18, 2005

God is my Victory!!!

Reflections on Psalm 44

Just as the psalmist states in vs 6 and 7 of psalm 44 that he has no victory without God, I too have no victory without God. This point seems to be a recurring theme for me. While my daughter and I read through the Old Testament, I am reminded over and over again how easy it was and is for people to forget about God when times are good. In Deuteronomy, Moses spends numerous chapters hammering home the importance of loving God, obeying God, remembering God and teaching your children to do the same...
Why does Moses have to repeat himself????
Because the Israelites and Kristina and ___________ (insert name here) have a tendency to forget. It's easy for me to turn my nose up at the Israelites and think that I am better than them, after all, if God has performed all those miracles for me, I wouldn't be so quick to allow idols into my life....
HMMMMM... Nice idea but totally incorrect! Perhaps the miracles in my life are not as flashy as the parting of the Red Sea but God has performed wonders just the same and I too have the tendency to forget God, take credit for all the goodness myself, and start erecting altars to my very own modern day idols.
Human nature has not really changed that much over the years, at least as far as I can see in my life. And God still has to continually hammer home some main points that I seem so willing to forget: Love God, Fear God, Obey God, Thank God, and teach about God to my child so that she can do the same.

Thank you Lord for your patience with me. You continue to teach me the same lessons over and over again, never giving up on me. I pray that one day, I will have this lesson committed to heart, etched in so deeply that I will forever be cognizant that without you I will never achieve victory. You and you alone allow me to be victorious.


At 10:44 p.m., Blogger Shelley L. MacKenzie said...

How right you are Mission Girl! How often do we tend to forget to rely on God when things are going good. We tend to rely on ourselves during those times and when things get a bad, then we turn to God to bail us out or something. It's like when things are good, it's easy to praise Him, but when it's bad we find it hard to do that. We need to remember (and I include myself here) to praise God and rely on Him in ALL situations, good or bad. Great post!

At 5:49 p.m., Blogger Holly said...

"Love God, Fear God, Obey God, Thank God, and teach about God to my child so that she can do the same."



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